Joel Magolnick sues Duquesne University of Behalf of Wounded Basketball Player
Partner Joel Magolnick has filed suit against Duquesne University on behalf of basketball player Stuard Baldonado who was seriously injured when he was shot, along with four other student athletes, on campus following a party in September 2006. The lawsuit alleges that Duquesne's on-campus security was lax, allowing two gunmen to enter the party and later shoot five members of the University's basketball team in the Student Union. The lawsuit alleges that University officials did not take action once they knew of potential criminal activity, and a doorman let two armed men into the dance even after their friend asked if the men would be frisked. "Rather than alerting the campus police who were present inside the ballroom about (the frisking inquiry), or taking other similar reasonable steps, the doorman simply responded that they would not be frisked," and allowed the men to enter, the lawsuit states.
You can read the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story on the lawsuit here.
You can read the FOXNews story on the lawsuit here.
You can listen to NPR's story at the time of the shooting here.
Click here to read the lawsuit.